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Simply put, we produce full-spectrum whole-plant cannabis oils, and turn them into capsules and tinctures. BUT FIRST, we formulate the oils into defined doses of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids with the terpenes and flavonoids intact. Our defined ratios let patients zero in on the EXACT doses they need. That's why our tagline is "Know Your Dose."​ 


With over 25 years of cumulative experience in manufacturing and quality control, we produce the most consistent, highest-quality medicine available.   

Vegan, sugar free whole plant cannabis capsules
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Our Commitment
to Quality

Patient safety is our number one priority. Therefore, we test every lot we produce to ensure our medicine is free from pesticides, aflatoxins, and heavy metals. Licensed analytical labs in Maine conduct our tests. In addition, we always test our oils for cannabinoid and terpene profiles. The tests guide our formulations.

Left to right | raw extract syringe, refined extract syringe, refined extract capsule
Active Senior Man
Joe & Patty

"I am so grateful to have found a source of oil I can trust from such sincere, dedicated, and experienced people." 

JS | Leukemia Survivor

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ReLeaf Ratios by Canneutics, LLC ·

868 Roosevelt Trl. Unit #3, Windham, ME 04062

© 2021 by Canneutics, LLC


phone: 855-796-8226

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